Title: Hanson pulp molding : Chishui City Pulp Molding Industry Development Investment Forum

On September 11, Chishui City held an investment symposium on the development of the pulp molding industry, discussing the use of bamboo to replace the plastic industry and investment and development matters with entrepreneurs who came to Chishui .pulp molding industry

Municipal Party Committee Secretary Wang Nengke, Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee Director Li Feng, municipal leaders Liu Lin, Zhang Xiaoping, Yuan Guiping, General Manager of Guangdong Hanson Pulp Molding Technology Co., Ltd. Li Zhonghua, General Manager of Guizhou Sandi Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. Wu Xinqiu, Longyan Green Olive Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. Dai Zhenquan, deputy general manager of the company, and heads of relevant departments attended the meeting.

pulp molding industry

At the symposium, Li Zhonghua, general manager of Guangdong Hanson Pulp Molding Technology Co., Ltd , introduced the company’s basic situation and the development status, trends, opportunities and other planned investment plans in the pulp molding industry and proposed investment plan in Chishui, as well as related demands.

pulp molding industry

Wang Nengke extended a warm welcome to the entrepreneurs and their delegation for investment discussions in Chishui. He said that pulp molded products have a wide range of uses and broad prospects. The pulp molding industry is not only a sunrise industry, but also the general trend of current social development. Chishui is the bamboo capital of China, and the bamboo industry is also the first industry in Chishui. Chishui’s development of using bamboo as a substitute for plastics has both advantages and basic support, and there are even more successful examples. It is hoped that through this investment negotiation, the two parties will further increase docking, strengthen communication and coordination, and work together to promote the implementation of investment intentions as soon as possible and achieve win-win cooperation.

pulp molding industry

Hanson pulp molding will also continue to follow up on this investment negotiation, promote the implementation of investment intentions as soon as possible, and make greater contributions to the development of the pulp molding industry.


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